
News about team collaboration, group decision making and IdeaClouds features

New “Permissions” feature released!

There are currently two permissions that you can use as a facilitator (more permissions will follow!): Lock facilitation cards and Block card creation. When should you use permissions? Who hasn’t experienced this scenario: As a facilitator, you laboriously prepare a template on the IdeaClouds workspace. The facilitation cards are arranged to your liking, and then…

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New “Open workshops” feature released!

We have released a new feature for our digital workshop tool (IdeaClouds) – open workshops! This new functionality is not just about access; it enables totally new use cases and improves your digital workshop experience! When should you use them? We recommend using open workshops if one or more of the following scenarios apply: You…

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Future teaching of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship

Both society and the economy are going through a substantial period of change, which is driven mainly by digital transformation, globalization, new working paradigms, and the global demand for sustainable business models. These changes will influence the success factors of future innovations and, in turn, may require different skills, technologies, and methodologies to drive them.…

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Meetings am Standort China trotz Coronavirus?

Der Umgang mit dem in China entdeckten Coronavirus bestimmt längst auch den Arbeitsalltag in vielen Unternehmen. Unternehmen stoppen Geschäftsreisen nach China und empfehlen die Arbeit im Home-Office, um die Ansteckungsgefahr für ihre Mitarbeiter zu reduzieren. Meetings vor Ort sind dadurch nicht mehr möglich. Sie fallen aus oder müssen virtuell durchgeführt werden – für einen noch…

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